- Baner reklamowy?Logo firmy? 主题: Potrzebna animacja flash?
- The next day Granny Liu got up before dawn to wash and comb her hair and to coach Baner. "次日天未明;刘姥姥便起来梳洗了;又将板儿教训了几句.;"
- Then, after a few days, adzuki bean Baner slowly into the small leaves, each one has a few small leaves. 又过了几天,小豆瓣儿慢慢地变成了小叶子,每一棵都有几个小叶子。
- Thus, the judge acquitted the peasants, and the baner had to bear the costs of litigation. 于是;法官判定农民无罪;而面包师不得不承担诉讼费用.
- Ordos Xingran Plastic Products Co.,Ltd. is loated in the town of Wangaizhao Dalad baner, which has transport failities, linking paths lead Jiba and Deao. 鄂尔多斯市兴冉塑料制品有限责任公司位于鄂尔多斯市达拉特旗王爱召镇,地处吉巴线与德傲线的交汇点,交通十分便利。
- "Having thanked him, Granny Liu took Baner round to the back gate." "刘姥姥听了谢过;遂携了板儿;绕到后门上.;"
- "At once Baner set up a clamour for some meat, but his grandmother slapped him and told him to keep away." "板儿一见了;便吵着要肉吃;刘姥姥一巴掌打了他去.;"
- "After Mrs. Zhou left on this errand, Xifeng told the maids to give Baner some sweetmeats." 这里凤姐叫人抓些果子与板儿吃
- "Master Rong, now, he's her honest-to-goodness nephew-- where would she get a nephew like Baner?" "蓉大爷才是他的正经侄儿呢;他怎么又跑出这么一个侄儿来了.;"
- "Take young Baner with you and ask for their steward Zhou Rui. If you see him, we stand a chance." "你竟带了外孙子板儿;先去找陪房周瑞;若见了他;就有些意思了.;"
- "By now Granny Liu had seated herself on the edge of the kang, and Baner took refuge behind her. Coaxed to come forward and bow, he would not budge." "刘姥姥已在炕沿上坐了.;板儿便躲在背后;百般的哄他出来作揖;他死也不肯
- Baner 巴纳
- "Having dusted off her clothes and given Baner fresh instructions, she timidly approached the side entrance where some arrogant, corpulent servants were sunning themselves on long benches, engaged in a lively discussion." "且掸了掸衣服;又教了板儿几句话;然后蹭到角门前.;只见几个挺胸叠肚指手画脚的人;坐在大板凳上;说东谈西呢"